prints; professional practice; private commissions; student publications; etc.
Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony illustration for Bournemouth Symphony OrchestraChopin Piano Concerto No.2 illustration for Bournemouth Symphony OrchestraDakhaBrahka poster for The Cornish BankSocial Media Character ProjectPersonal WorkPersonal WorkThe Relics of Change book cover projectThe Relics of Change internal double page spreadThe Relics of Change internal double spreadThe Relics of Change full sized map illustration
A concept art piece based on the story ‘Relics of Change’Private commissionA concept art piece based on the story ‘Relics of Change’
Commission for private beer productionCharacter portraits for the story ‘The Relics of Change’Private character commissionPrivate character commissionPrivate character commissionPersonal projectPersonal ProjectA conceptual graphic novel cover designPart of a range of pieces based on ‘The Seven Feminine Archetypes’Valentines Day social media postTarot card based illustrationPersonal ProjectA concept art piece based on the story ‘Relics of Change’Personal ProjectCharacter Design for Chroma Corps 2024Character Design for Chroma Corps 2024Pixel SpritesPixel SpritesPixel Sprites